Mental Health
September 20, 2021

5 Helpful Journaling Prompts

Sometimes we just need to let it out! Grab that notebook and pen, and just vent! Or use it as a form of reflection; whatever you need, that journal (or notes app on your phone) will always be there when you need it.

Kahina Beasley (Louis), Psy.D.
5 Helpful Journaling Prompts

I often encourage my clients to write down how they’re feeling. This simple act can feel so freeing of everything you’re holding inside, especially if you don’t feel you have anyone to talk about it and need some form of an outlet. Sometimes we just need to let it out! Grab that notebook and pen, and just vent! Or use it as a form of reflection; whatever you need, that journal (or notes app on your phone) will always be there when you need it.


Simple Reflection

Try reflecting on your day, week, month, or year. Process what you’ve been experiencing by just being one with your thoughts, not forcing any particular words, or being concerned about what comes up; just write.

Mental Health Check-In

You might also choose to check-in with yourself and rate your mood on a scale of 1-10. What makes you say that number? What’s weighing the number down? What could help bring the number up? You have more power than you might realize to shift that number where you want it to go.

Manifesting your Dreams

Manifest the life that you want in your journal. Write down your deepest desires, hopes, and dreams. Imagine what it would feel like to be in the space you’ve been yearning to be. How will it feel? What will it look like? How will you know you’ve made it there? Now, ask yourself, what steps do I need to take to get there? Write those down and start building your plan.

Correcting Unhelpful Thought Patterns

Often, if we don’t check ourselves, we can get stuck in thought patterns that are just not at all helpful to us. Write down the thoughts that are cycling through your mind that you notice are causing you distress. Ask yourself in response - How true is this thought? Is there anything false or exaggerated in this thought? Is there a different way I can think about this? What would I tell a friend who was having this thought?

Forgiving Yourself or Others

What action(s) are you stuck on at the moment? How did those actions make you feel? How would it feel to release those awful feelings? Could you release those feelings? Will you allow yourself to release them? When exactly do you think you can free yourself from those feelings so that you can live happily again? Could that time be now? Why or why not?